Used in the shape of block to block the designated area, shape and the size of the frame shall not exceed the size of the apple mark outside the box.
Several soldiers mix cement on the street, lifting it up to their colleagues who use it as mortar, placing a concrete block on top of concrete block.
In the simplest units, that required a call to block allocation for each block.
If pessimistic session locking is used, it should generally only be used to block other users from updating; it should not block reads of the locked data.
The code in Listing 1 allocates two 512-byte blocks of memory, and then the pointer to the first block is set to the second block.
清单1中的代码将分配两个 512字节的内存块,然后指向第一个内存块的指针被设定为指向第二个内存块。
A new block of the requested size is then allocated, the data is moved from the original block to the new block, and the new block is returned to the caller.
But a city block, or rather a map of a city block, like this would seem more comfortable to the eye. Our brains can process the information much quicker.
Once compression is applied to the block, the compressed block size is considerably smaller than the input block size.
You can also use the display option operation to show compartments for association ends and parts on block definition diagrams, internal block definition diagrams or UML class diagrams.
您还可以使用显示选项操作来在块定义图、内部块定义图或者U ml类图上显示联系。
This prepares the loop to process the next block with an initial vector equal to the result of the first block.
The data is moved from the original block to the new block, and the new block is returned to the caller.
If the size of the reallocated block is smaller than the original block, the block is split and the extra block is returned to the free tree with the required size block being returned to the caller.
When a block is written to the active disk, a copy of the block is also written to the backup host.
On the Advanced Actions dialog (Figure 8), select Add Block Delimiter twice to create a prepresentation begin and end block for the execution of the business logic created in Step 2, above.
在AdvancedActions对话框中(图8),为了执行上面已在第 2步创建好的业务逻辑,需单击AddBlockDelimiter两次来分别创建预览开始和结束块。
Memory blocks can be reached in one of two ways -- if the user program holds a reference to that block in a root, or if there is a reference to that block held in another reachable block.
可以以两种方式之一访问内存块 ――或者用户程序在根 (root)中有对这一内存块的引用,或者在另一个可到达的块中有对这个块的引用。
To use volume as a building block for a code block that returns the length of a line segment, I can perform either partial application or currying.
To add a new contact, simply POST a new XML-encoded block to the feed URL. Listing 3 has an example of one such block.
If the needed size happens to be greater than the existing block, the block is freed, a new block is allocated from a new bucket, and the data is moved from the old block to the new block.
Also, minimum user activities should be allowed during this time for the fact that Oracle logs the entire block images on the first change to the block.
Select a message from the sender you want to block (or if you want to block several senders at once, select a message from each sender to be blocked).
If you want to block other content, an option in the right-click context menu helps you block certain elements like online advertisements.
Each control block must be removed from an object bound to the block.
When one thread is executing a synchronized block, any thread waiting to enter that block is stalled.
Here's why this could happen: the metadata update would erase any reference to the original data block(s), but would point to data block(s) on disk that were never filled with data.
If the list item contains block-level elements, then everything up to the first block is placed in the command; after that, any non-list items are placed in an wrapper.
The longer a synchronized code block requires for execution, the longer other threads wait to enter that block.
The mediation flow may simply log that a request was passed from requester to provider, block requests from unknown or unauthorized requesters, or block requests based on provider availability.
But since XML documents are broken at arbitrary positions in the block-level format, it is necessary to record a stack of open elements where a block begins.
Each section in the temporary ELF block is iterated, and those that need to be around for execution are copied into the new block.
Each section in the temporary ELF block is iterated, and those that need to be around for execution are copied into the new block.