This has dealt a heavy blow to the industry's hitherto bullish mood, according to a survey published on May 4th by Oil &Gas UK, a lobby group.
Such stars eventually blow off the material of their outer layers, which creates an expanding shell of gas called a planetary nebula.
"It would just blow up your gas cooker," Mercer said.
Because even if, say, offshore wind costs the same as natural gas by 2015 (as predicted by German utility E.ON), there is still an extra cost of building backup power for when the wind doesn't blow.
That surge could cause the sun to blow even more material into space, adding to its colorful, expanding shell of gas, which astronomers call a planetary nebula.
These gas-sipping vehicles became a veritable symbol of the consumers' power to strike a blow against global warming.
Gradually, the young stars' fiercewinds (streams of charged particles) blow away the gas, revealing bright bluestar clusters.
This to-and-fro operation wastes very little heat. Some furnaces now blow air only, fuel oil being spayed instead of gas.
The method of blow, side protecting gas in laser deep welding is used to reduce the electronic density of plasma, also, the active flux in TIG can absorb electron.
By utilization of the existing boiler a horizontal combustion furnace and a burner that match have been designed for the recovery of the latent heat in the blow gas.
Stop at the gas station and we'll blow up the tyres.
In this case, the gas may blow back into the room.
Author introduces the process flow and the system composition of the ABB gas analysis meter's online automatic blow off device.
Some CO gas remains in the ingot, and eventually blow holes are formed in the steel.
By comparing the simulation results with experiment data, the influence factors of three defects including melt blow through, short shot and gas fingering are achieved.
Whereas, this paper discusses two methods, the first way is that to blow away the rubbish using the high pressure gas, the second is to dig out the sludge with the automatic grab.
Three ways of the internal blowing-off, i. e. , cold blow, hot blow, and gas exhausting in a Clock Hood-type furnace.
Gas Fired Spray Washer to Clean an Automotive Part prior to an assembly Operation. Washer was constructed of Stainless Steel with Indexing Chain Conveyor and Ambient Blow-Off.
The invention relates to the capillary gas chromatography technique, specific to cutting-blow back method and its device.
It is introduced the analysis and comparison of the two methods of the hydrogen recovery in the blow-out gas of methanol synthesis for the conference of the regarding plant.
Your plant is going to blow up, because the ideal gas law works only in very small range of pressures and temperatures for most gases.
理想气体定律 ,只在一个很小的压强,与温度的范围内适用。
The parameters are laser power, power density, beam spot size, welding speed, laser mode and auxiliary gas blow.
A method of controlling and purifying the waste gas in the acid pickling shop was introduced. Blow draw cover and cycle air are highly efficient in processing the waste gas.
A method of controlling and purifying the waste gas in the acid pickling shop was introduced. Blow draw cover and cycle air are highly efficient in processing the waste gas.