They tried to bludgeon me into joining their protest.
Thy bludgeon and they staff, they stay me.
Do not bludgeon a problem to death with code.
The aim was to bludgeon speculators and impress creditors.
The aim was to bludgeon speculatory and impress creditors.
Whatever he said, the swift answer crushed him like a bludgeon .
The bigger siblings stab and bludgeon the little one, until he succumbs.
This is a bludgeon mice WINDOWS mouse games, a source inside and the need for information.
For example, an iron could be used to press a shirt, bludgeon an intruder, or grill a cheese sandwich.
Each has a bludgeon; and master will, very likely, be watching from the parlour Windows, to see that they fulfil his orders.
Office is how Microsoft makes most of its revenue, and Office is the bludgeon Microsoft USES to keep other software vendors in line.
Heading to the place where a prison's homicide evidence is kept, you might expect to see a few sharpened objects-maybe a bludgeon or two.
It began as a way to bludgeon the unwary with lovely little animation shorts, video clips, and the odd game, all from within the browser.
Many marketers have been trained to bludgeon consumers with advertising — to sell, sell, sell anytime and anywhere consumers can be found.
Remodelled with sticky tape into maces and clubs, their weight and sharp edges can gouge or bludgeon in the hands of those bent on vengeance or extortion.
If a bubble in share prices or property threatens the whole economy, better to prick it surgically rather than bludgeon everyone with higher interest rates.
How much more elegant is it to slay your foe with the roses of irony than to massacre him with the axes of sarcasm or to belabour him with the bludgeon of invective.
Will he be willing to use the classification of carbon as a pollutant as a regulatory bludgeon on this issue hard... and necessary... as that may be on many industries?
I remember one time I was fighting this pack of trolls, and broke my sword on one of their skulls, so I grabbed him by the ears and used him like a club to bludgeon his friends to death.
I remember one time I was fighting this pack of trolls, and broke my sword on one of their skulls, so I grabbed him by the ears and used him like a club to bludgeon his friends to death.