The move comes after KNOC's first takeover offer was rejected by Dana's board earlier this month.
Mr. Hurd resigned from H. P. one month ago, after an investigation by the board into a personal relationship with a contractor turned up questionable expense reports.
As we reported last month, in the event that the WMF board approves the proposal, existing content will be dual-licensed and new content will be CC-BY-SA licensed only.
我们上个月已经报道过,倘若Wikimedia基金会通过提议,则现有内容将采用双许可,而新内容只使用CC - BY -SA许可。
The judges argued that the measures, approved by a national referendum last month, would stop the board from functioning.
An index of leading indicators compiled by the Conference Board, a research group, rose for the third consecutive month in June.
Mr. Hurd resignedfrom H.P. one month ago, after an investigation by the board into a personalrelationship with a contractor turned up questionable expense reports.
The 422-acre western portion of the site was denied approval by the Board last month, because of its size and scenic location.
A broader revenue-recognition discussion paper was issued by FASB and the International Accounting Standards Board in December 2008 for a six-month comment period.
A broader revenue-recognition discussion paper was issued by FASB and the International Accounting Standards Board in December 2008 for a six-month comment period.