The randomly weighted bootstrap method provides a way of assessing the distribution of the M-estimators without estimating the nuisance quantities of the error distributions.
To use this method you typically need to create an EJB-specific Spring bootstrap configuration file called beanRefContext.xml (by default), that in turn loads a set of other bean configuration files.
要使用此方法,您通常需要创建名为 beanRefContext.xml(缺省文件名)的特定于EJB 的Spring引导配置文件,该配置文件又加载一组其他Bean 配置文件。
Results show that the proposed weighted regression calibration method is the most efficient and that the standard errors estimated using a bootstrap procedure are satisfactory.
After the induced current damp out, the neoclassical bootstrap current is the best method to maintain the needed stable current in a steady-state tokamak reactor.
A method based on the bootstrap and an imaginary part of the coherence was developed to analyze the connectivity and the information propagation during motor imagery.
A method based on the bootstrap and an imaginary part of the coherence was developed to analyze the connectivity and the information propagation during motor imagery.