Some 70% of black babies are born out of wedlock.
To establish(a child born out of wedlock) as legitimate by legal means.
Only 4% of the children of mothers with college degrees are born out of wedlock.
The proportion of black babies born out of wedlock has nearly doubled since 1970, to 69%.
the fourth is [to get rid of] an unwanted baby, for example an infant born out of wedlock.
He had been born out of wedlock, and his mother refused to tell him who his father was.
There is a strong correlation between the rate of birth and the number of babies born out of wedlock.
Each year more than a million children experience family breakup: about as many are born out of wedlock.
The girl was born out of wedlock on June 1, 1926, in a Los Angeles hospital. She was named Norma Jean Mortenson.
The girl was born out of wedlock on June l, 1926. in a Los Angeles hospital She was named Norma Jean Mortenson.
She was born out of wedlock in the village of Los Toldos in rural Argentina in 1919, the fourth of five children.
In "the Descent of Man", he referred to studies showing that among children born out of wedlock there were more girls than boys.
Women under 25 are more likely to have had a baby than to be married while 44 per cent of British children are now born out of wedlock.
Well, four, but one was a secret because he was born out of wedlock and had been shipped off to Italy in infancy because … uh, never mind.
The third type is fatal battering [as described above]. The fourth is [to get rid of] an unwanted baby, for example an infant born out of wedlock.
Some British media agencies have been scathing in their coverage of Mr. Zuma's polygamy and the recent news of his 20th child, born out of wedlock.
Late last year came a significant but little-noticed announcement: probably for the first time, half of all Hispanic children in America were born out of wedlock.
Ever since ancient times, children born out of wedlock, also be referred to as illegitimate children, have been discriminated and treated unfairly both by law and in reality.
France overtook Ireland as the fertility champion of Europe in 2007 but a majority of babies are now being born out of wedlock, according to new census figures released on Tuesday.
This atavistic prejudice, whose embers still smolder, has turned us into a vast community of unmarried women and men with their flies unzipped and numerous children born out of wedlock.
In the specific course of study, author mainly use methods of history review and comparative study, to measure the protection problems of children born out of wedlock in length and breadth.
The review comes against a backdrop of soaring divorce rates and increasing numbers of children being born out of wedlock, often to co-habitees who are more likely to break up than married couples.
该报告的建议也有悖于英国离婚率升高、非婚生子女增多的大背景。 这些非婚生子女通常来自同居家庭,而同居关系比婚姻关系更容易解体。
The review comes against a backdrop of soaring divorce rates and increasing numbers of children being born out of wedlock , often to co-habitees who are more likely to break up than married couples.
该报告的建议也有悖于英国离婚率升高、非婚生子女增多的大背景。 这些非婚生子女通常来自同居家庭,而同居关系比婚姻关系更容易解体。
The review comes against a backdrop of soaring divorce rates and increasing numbers of children being born out of wedlock , often to co-habitees who are more likely to break up than married couples.
该报告的建议也有悖于英国离婚率升高、非婚生子女增多的大背景。 这些非婚生子女通常来自同居家庭,而同居关系比婚姻关系更容易解体。