The bottom bracket axle is permanently mounted to the right hand crank and has splines for the left hand crank.
Also, in the query [dura ace track bb axle njs] the “bb” is probably referring to a bottom bracket while in the query [software update on bb color id] the “bb” probably means blackberry.
而且,在查询duraacetrackbbaxle njs时,"bb"指的应该是底架(bottom bracket),而在查询softwareupdateon bbcolorid时,这里的bb说的应该是黑莓手机(blackberry)。
Also, in the query [dura ace track bb axle njs] the “bb” is probably referring to a bottom bracket while in the query [software update on bb color id] the “bb” probably means blackberry.
而且,在查询duraacetrackbbaxle njs时,"bb"指的应该是底架(bottom bracket),而在查询softwareupdateon bbcolorid时,这里的bb说的应该是黑莓手机(blackberry)。