Of recombinant bovine growth hormone?
Organic milk products by law can't be produced with bovine growth hormone (BGH).
Monsanto’s own studies, as well as those of Eli Lilly & Co., have found a 10-fold increase in IGF-1 levels in the milk of cows who have been injected with bovine growth hormone (BGH).
根据孟山都自己的研究,与EliLilly 及其合作者的发现一样,在牛奶中被注入的生长因子(BGH)出现了10倍的增长。
Monsanto’s own studies, as well as those of Eli Lilly & Co., have found a 10-fold increase in IGF-1 levels in the milk of cows who have been injected with bovine growth hormone (BGH).
根据孟山都自己的研究,与EliLilly 及其合作者的发现一样,在牛奶中被注入的生长因子(BGH)出现了10倍的增长。