Objective: To research the status of brain functional activity of sub healthy group.
All were asked to perform a card-sorting task, involving problem-solving skills while their brain activity was monitored through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
For the study, 32 right-handed subjects were asked to match letters while their brain activity was recorded with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
Using a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner, we recorded brain activity in volunteers as they imagined specific events that might occur to them in the future.
To decode this process, many studies use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which tracks brain activity by measuring blood flow through the brain.
The investigators used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a technique that reveals the brain regions a person is using at any given time - even if their brain activity is subconscious.
Poldrack's team measured brain activity in 24 people using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
With PET scans and functional MRI, we can observe fluctuations in brain activity by measuring changes in blood flow and levels of nutrients.
In a related study, functional MRIs showed that people who had taken acetaminophen also had less activity in the brain regions that respond to emotional pain.
Instead, as participants viewed the images, researchers scanned the volunteers' brain activity (using functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI) as they viewed paintings versus photographs.
At each stage, researchers observed their brain activity using functional MRIs when they were shown food and nonfood items.
Functional imaging is a blunt instrument, and the meaning of fluctuations in brain activity is often difficult to interpret.
Because different parts of the brain have different functions, variations in the localization of gene activity likely have functional implications.
However, the functional significance of these spontaneous brain activity fluctuations remains unclear.
Objective To investigate the changes of functional connectivity network in human brain in different brain activity.
Functional MRI allows doctors to look at how blood flow increases in response to brain activity.
A functional MRI scanning device monitored brain activity, with the researchers concentrating on the amygdala, an area associated with emotional response.
Functional connectivity MRI allows the researchers to witness real-time brain activity as it occurs in study subjects.
He and his colleagues in Germany used functional MRI to study the brain activity of healthy volunteers from urban and rural areas.
Functional MRI is based on the increase in blood flow to the local vasculature that accompanies neural activity in the brain.
They have used an approach called functional MRI to monitor activity in the brain as stroke patients re-learn motor skills that were lost as a result of their illness.
Background Functional imaging studies have investigated the human brain activity during analogy tasks.
The results show that the acupuncture at Zusanli acupoint causes the activity changes on the relative functional regions of the brain.
Functional MRI scans taken during the study also revealed that volunteers who had been given caffeine had increased activity in the brain regions involving attention.
Objective:To study the effects of masticatory movements on the functional activity of brain by comparing the blood flow change before and after RPD restoration of free-end edentia.
Participants were hooked up to a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine, which produces an image that shows which parts of the brain are working during a given activity.
Participants were hooked up to a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine, which produces an image that shows which parts of the brain are working during a given activity.