Marty wants to break loose from his parent's authority.
They tried to break loose from Russia's leading strings.
They tried to break loose from russia's leading strings .
The woman managed to break loose from her attacker and run for help.
Then he would escape by twisting his body in certain ways to break loose from the chains and handcuffs.
The embodiments of the artistic life teaching are: art can make the teaching break loose from the rule of cause and effect;
There isn't a single drug currently on the market that addresses how cancer cells break loose from a primary tumor and get into the vascular system, migrate out, and form a secondary tumor.
麻省理工学院生物与机械工程学塞西尔与艾达·格林(Cecil and Ida Green)杰出教授卡姆说,“市场上没有一种药能说明癌细胞如何挣脱原来的瘤、进入血管系统、迁出并形成继发瘤。
The tremendous scene at the close of the second act, when the gladiators break loose from their tyrants and raise the standard of revolt, aroused the audience to the highest pitch of enthusiasm.
The tremendous scene at the close of the second act, when the gladiators break loose from their tyrants and raise the standard of revolt, aroused the audience to the highest pitch of enthusiasm.