We all make money selling breeding stock.
The basic purpose of dog shows is to facilitate the evaluation of breeding stock for use in producing the next generations.
Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to breed and raise pigs for meat and breeding stock.
Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to breed and raise beef cattle for meat and breeding stock.
Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to breed and raise sheep for wool, meat and breeding stock.
Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to breed and raise dairy cattle for milk, meat and breeding stock.
Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to breed and raise goats for fibre, milk, meat and breeding stock.
Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to breed and raise deer for meat, velvet, hides and breeding stock.
Objective to establish the SPF rabbits breeding stock for our department, and to meet the needs of scientific research, production and test.
The use of genomics to identify the presence of desirable traits in breeding stock within the pork industry has become increasingly popular.
The individuals of all above genotypes marked by microsatellite were selected to make up foundational breeding stock based on the comprehensive selection index.
Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to breed and raise chickens, turkeys, ducks and other poultry for eggs, meat and breeding stock.
Using SPF(Specific pathogen free)animals as the breeding stock and adopting synthesize preventive measure, the experiment mouse and rat of clean grade were reared in barrier system for 2 years.
But the foraging communities of the cultures in the region of the Don and Dnieper rivers took up stock breeding and began to exploit the neighboring steppes.
Various approaches have been used to improve the performance of adapted indigenous stock, including cross-breeding and upgrading through back-crossing with improved breeds, and within-line selection.
The centre is intended to create a secure breeding-stock of vultures that may eventually be released into a diclofenac-free wild.
The breeding of animals or growing of plants, especially to produce improved stock.
Article15any animal farm should exterminate animal epidemics in time. stud stock and breeding poultry shall be kept healthy up to the standards set by the state.
The structure of reproductive stock, the growth character the mortality parameter and breeding, feeding habits of Chinese herring in the estuary of Mingjang River are reported in this paper.
The Xin Xin Seeds Industry is a private stock enterprise registered in the province with functions of science and research, breeding, production and operation.
Article 15 any animal farm should exterminate animal epidemics in time. Stud stock and breeding poultry shall be kept healthy up to the standards set by the state.
Fish culture has the same objective as agriculture and stock breeding, that is, to increase production by all means and improve its quality.
Stud stock and breeding poultry shall be kept healthy up to the standards set by the state.
Content of Project: to plant and sale rave flowers, breeding, nursery stock.
Content of Project: to plant and sale rave flowers, breeding, nursery stock.