Numerous Buddhist texts point out that poverty is not any individual's fate or karma, but rather exists in a web of causes and conditions.
Answer: I have heard about them, but mainly as a theory, and my understanding would have been influenced by the Gita and by Buddhist texts.
The manuscripts, birchbark scrolls that looked like "badly rolled-up cigars" when first shown to the Library, are believed to be the earliest surviving Buddhist texts.
Enclosed space consists of some internal functions such as the Grand Buddha Hall, Monks Dorm, Praying Hall, Meditation Hall and the Depositary of Buddhist Texts and so on.
Readers may not want to read this book in the spirit of strict accuracy to historical or Buddhist texts, because the value lies in the general application of overall principles.
The temple archives house over 30000 volumes of Buddhist texts, including some very rare Ming and ch 'ing (Qing) editions and a noteworthy set of 657 volumes transcribed by a monk in his own blood.
In his theory texts such as On literature and Philosophic Basis of literature and Arts, Natumesouseki quoted Buddhist words to explain literature.
In his theory texts such as On literature and Philosophic Basis of literature and Arts, Natumesouseki quoted Buddhist words to explain literature.