The internal buffer area usually adopts cycle to store data in text document.
Meanwhile, the graphics or images can be accessed at will in screen square buffer area.
When the facility is started, generated audit records are written into a buffer area and then flushed to disk into an audit file.
Increase the size of the log buffer area if there is considerable read activity on a dedicated log disk, or there is high disk utilization.
This paper introduces the concept of configuring and self-tuning multiple buffer pools according to the specialty of the buffer area in DBMS.
A dynamical model of hierarchical gateway agent is proposed to analyze the buffer process, as well as the distribution and management of buffer area.
When increasing the value of this parameter, consider the DBHEAP parameter, too, because the log buffer area USES space controlled by the DBHEAP parameter.
If the length is big enough, the list of configured Domino servers will be placed in the data buffer area. Otherwise it will result in errors or incomplete data being returned.
If the screen buffer is larger than the console window, the console automatically displays scroll bars so the console window can be repositioned over the screen buffer area.
To solve this problem, impact buffer area is inserted just before the impacting occurs. When jumping over this area, computation must go through this area by alterable steps.
He went on "Now that we have secured the park our strategic plan is to keep pushing the poachers back until we have created a broad safety zone or buffer area on all sides of North Luangwa."
He went on, "Now that we have secured the park, our strategic plan is to keep pushing the poachers back until we have created a broad safety zone or buffer area on all sides of North Luangwa."
It then fills the area with a mapping, which is an image buffer used to color up the painting area of each stroke.
Database records are read and updated in the buffer pool area of memory.
If rows are accessed randomly, then the smaller page size enables DB2 to make better use of the buffer, because more pages fit into the same storage area.
When increasing the value of the LOGBUFSZ parameter, you should also consider the DBHEAP parameter since the log buffer USES space from the database heap area.
Once the total available size is determined, this area can be divided into different buffer pools to improve utilization.
Additional capabilities provide the means of testing the pixel color of a screen coordinate or even capturing a whole area of the screen as an image buffer.
In addition, each database has its own database configuration file, catalog tables, logs, reserved buffer pool area, and table Spaces.
One purpose of the shared memory area is to act as a buffer, minimizing the necessity for further reads from disk.
The database buffer pool(s) area is normally the largest component of the database shared memory.
Standing in the center of a densely populated area in East Osaka. The windows reach from the buffer zone through to the outside from the inner house.
The log buffer acts as a staging area in memory to hold log records instead of having the DB2 UDB engine write each log record directly to disk.
日志缓冲区作为内存中的分级区域(staging area)来保存日志记录,而不是让DB2UDB引擎直接将每条日志记录写入磁盘中。
A buffer pool is an area of storage in memory into which database pages (containing table rows or index entries) are temporarily read and changed.
A long wooden sofa with high back creates a buffer against passing and parking cars, defines the parking space, and offers generous space for sunbathing with good views over the area.
Buffer sizing is the breakthrough of critical chain in the area of project schedule management, and it makes a practical application on monitoring project.
Buffer sizing is the breakthrough of critical chain in the area of project schedule management, and it makes a practical application on monitoring project.