Prescribed burning, fires set on purpose, is a common, if risky, method.
This paper analyses the effective mechanism of additive acting on coal burning process . Put forward that using additive is a practical method to reduce fuel coal burning pollution.
With the method of prescribed burning, the effects of burning on Leymus chinensis population in Inner Mongolia steppe were discussed.
Based on Huygens principle of wave propagation, a numerical simulation method on CFD software unstructured mesh was founded so as to calculate burning surface regression directly.
The burning rate was measured with target line method and the pressure index was calculated. The catalytic effect of different catalysts for propellant on combustion performance were explored.
Its latest concept - "fat burning meal replacement weight-loss method," in ensuring the safety and health, based on, so you quickly with the wonders of the general body of water!
The paper briefs the confuguration and measuring principle of burning loss method on-line carbon measuring device of fly ash.
对石家庄东方热点公司锅炉飞灰的粒径分布、烧失量分级分布和燃烧特性进行了研究 。
The paper briefs the confuguration and measuring principle of burning loss method on-line carbon measuring device of fly ash.
对石家庄东方热点公司锅炉飞灰的粒径分布、烧失量分级分布和燃烧特性进行了研究 。