Business logic services provide the capabilities required for the execution of business logic in the form of service endpoints.
We have split the notion of Component your POJO that does your business logic service the configuration that defines how the Component will be managed as a service.
This will create a skeleton service implementation that you can complete with business logic.
The architecture vision indicated that services should be focused on business logic rather than execution details, so abstracting service execution was an essential next step.
Thus, it is fair to say that mediation (and thus the service bus) can contain business logic, but only if it is non-semantic.
This business logic means that any service calls to the export get passed to the import.
The next version should focus less on the data access and business logic tiers and more on the service interface.
Figure 2 describes the operations executed by the proxy service, which contains business logic that can create partitions.
It accepts the request from the browser, requests the service from the business logic layer, generates the presentation, and responds to the browser.
The controller layer is responsible for implementing the business logic of the service, achieved by invoking other services, other controllers, or an entity management layer.
Business logic code that USES a service locator avoids becoming cluttered with directory lookup code, and so is easier to understand.
As before, the client-side developer must use the stub to invoke the service from the client-side business logic.
Decoupling the service definition from the business logic (controller) and from access to the data (entity) ensures that no business logic manifests itself in the entities.
Or perhaps the service broker would encapsulate business logic that varies the selection of service providers based on established service level agreements or business rules.
Until now you've been able to assemble SCA components in a service module using the necessary business logic to meet the integration requirements.
In Part 2, I will show you how to build the business logic of your internal service on top of an existing BC, without any unnecessary mixing.
The business logic in the service is not affected.
Placing the data manipulation logic into a data access service or procedure makes the business logic less dependent on the source of the data.
Explicit separation of concerns between implementation of the service functionality (business logic) and enterprise data support logic.
The service consumer should be insulated as far as possible from the details of the business logic implemented by the service provider.
We recommend that applications focus on business logic and defer securing the service access and the messages to the infrastructure (the runtime container hosting the application).
An implementation of a service component is the internal business logic that carries out the service's function.
Explicit separation of concerns between implementation of the service functionality (business logic) and enterprise data support logic (similar to the previous pattern).
The controller implements the service business logic by accessing other services or accessing backend entities via their create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations
控制器将访问其他服务或通过其创建、读取、更新和删除 (CRUD)操作访问后端实体,从而实现服务业务逻辑。
This business logic, via a Web service, calls Adobe LiveCycle Forms to automatically generate a PDF form containing policy details for the customer.
该业务逻辑,通过Web服务,调用AdobeLiveCycle Forms来自动地生成包含客户策略的详细资料的PDF表单。
Once the business logic of the service implementation has executed and a response is available, the same WS-Security operations take place for the web services response message.
一旦执行了服务实现的业务逻辑并且获得了一个响应,同样的Web服务安全性(WS-Security)操作就在 Web 服务的响应消息上进行。
Used by infrastructure runtimes to provide conformance checking prior to handoff to upper-level service business logic.
Note that the methods implementing the business logic exposed in the Web service must be marked as public.
A common consumer scenario is a message flow that integrates some existing business logic available as a Web service.
Of course the business logic changes required for the new Web service also need to be implemented.