Loose business process interaction and manipulation.
In a business process interaction, it's very important to understand and describe the correlation between the message instances.
This interaction causes the Payment business process to run.
Understand how interaction between multiple business process instances are implemented using correlation sets.
The interaction between components such as the business process engine, human task engine, authorization management, and staff support service, are also explained.
If a business process fails, the global transaction is rolled back, including any database interaction the adapter has exercised during the transaction.
The interaction between models, if any, is specified within {} on the transitions showing side effects in terms of invoking transitions on the business process.
模型间的交互(如果有)在转换上的 {}内指定,显示对业务流程调用转换时的副作用。
A simple business process with a human task activity is used to illustrate the human interaction between portal and process server.
For example, invoking a business process to request a quote for a custom passenger aircraft, involving many partners or human interaction in the process, could take days or weeks to complete.
BPEL provides human task component for the human interaction with the business process.
Riena will provide a UI metaphor that supporting the interaction of typical business process oriented applications.
This article teaches you the basics of building a business process that utilizes IBM WebSphere Portal as its human interaction service (staff).
A Staff activity allows human interaction with your business process.
In a business process of insurance say for approving an insurance claim, a user interaction might be required to decide whether the claim is allowed to pay or not.
All business applications and most real-world systems fall into this category. These systems, based on their interaction with other external systems, process three types of changes.
All business applications and most real-world systems fall into this category. These systems, based on their interaction with other external systems, process three types of changes.