This repository is accessible not only to it but also to business users.
A company should find ways to innovate not just in products but also in functions, business models and processes.
The main reasons for city dwellers to commute on a daily basis is not just for work but also for study, business, shopping and their social life.
Many Americans came to believe that scientific certainty could not only solve scientific problems, but also reform politics, government, and business.
Many people leaving business school now are not only failing to change career, but also crawling back to their old jobs with their old employers.
Jessica Wong sells her bags in a small shop, but she has also set up an online business to sell them.
But she also plans to start a small business with the knowledge gained from the months of class.
As the top person in your business, others look to you for direction not only in terms of business needs, but also related to behavior, ethics, and standards.
Determine not only whether there is business data available, but also whether the data quality of all data sources is high enough to support the business requirements.
They are likely to forgo some good business opportunities, but also to make fewer mistakes.
It is not just technically minded developers who need to register file changes for a project, but also less technically aware business users who need to manage non-code related artifacts.
This feature of the XQuery makes it possible to push not only the business logic but also the publishing to the database server, in effect making the middle tier application very simple and thin.
But business is also competition, so I expect them to have a winning mindset.
But the concept has also been applied to team structure, social patterns, business patterns, etc.
That context will expand to encompass not only the technology solution, but also the business value the solution adds.
This is typically most prevalent with terms like addresses and names but can also apply to other business terms.
These services typically need to be not only highly performant, but also highly available; these services are generally considered critical to the business.
IT is about modeling not only the executable process, but also about the organizational aspects in surrounding pools to align the business and IT view.
Service implementation has to support not only business functionality of the service, but also all of the data validation and access and coordination logic.
The new law applies not only to foreign tourists, but also to Italian tourists and business travelers who are not Rome residents.
We must capture not only the global business process to be followed world-wide, but also the local adjustments specific to each region or country.
Relationship building is useful not only in the business world but also when you are trying to meet new people.
This is exceedingly important not only for documentation purposes but also to report KPI's, or the like, on the level of the business process models.
Strengthening in the dollar is a good thing not only for business but also to build back confidence both domestically and internationally.
Mr Rajoy wants to cut business taxes to generate growth and jobs, but must also meet tough budget-deficit targets.
Of course, this will add complexity and logistical challenges to the business, but it's also likely to add revenue to the bottom line.
A friend sent me your column about how to drum up new business, and I'm doing everything it suggests, but I also wonder how to make the most of the Internet in getting the word out about my services.
A friend sent me your column about how to drum up new business, and I'm doing everything it suggests, but I also wonder how to make the most of the Internet in getting the word out about my services.