The main reasons for city dwellers to commute on a daily basis is not just for work but also for study, business, shopping and their social life.
Facebook not only needs to study deeply the design of mobile software (S/W), but also the design of hardware (H/W).
But they also asked the people in the study where they were exposed to tobacco smoke.
Piracy may be the bane of the music industry but according to a new study, it may also be its engine.
It might seem like a sugar-coated overgeneralization to say that people with sweet dispositions also really like sweets, but a small new study is giving some weight to the idea.
In a small but successful study, a prototype breath test was able not only to detect cancer, but also to differentiate between the four most common forms of cancer: lung, bowel, breast and prostate.
But the study of 500 communities in Asia, Africa and Latin America also concludes that people need opportunity, such as access to jobs and markets, to move out of poverty.
It has long been known that the amount of muscle in the body is related to bone growth, but the new study shows that fat mass is also important in building bone, particularly in girls.
All the listening materials in the tests are all taped in American or British English. It is helpful to our study, but it also has some drawbacks.
We also know that findings from the only global study carried out so far showed that in some places perhaps as many as 19% of MDR-TB cases were in fact XDR-TB, but this is likely to be uncommon.
We hope that this study will serve not only to acknowledge the part that swearing plays in our work and our lives, but also to indicate that leaders sometimes need to 'think differently'.
This study did not provide a calculation for the lives saved in the non-cycling population but it stands to reason that they would also benefit from the improved air quality.
The point of MT is not merely in the training, but also in its profound impact: to foster us the spirit to bear hardships and hard work, on which we will rely in the three years' time of study in **.
People may be more willing to acknowledge their mental troubles, but the study also showed that fewer are seeking treatment for their distress.
The ISS is designed to study life in space, but it's also a great place to learn about Earth.
But the study also revealed that teens are now turning to mobile applications, too, with 38% of teens using downloadable apps like those from Facebook, Pandora and YouTube.
But urban life may have also influenced human genes, making the descendants of ancient city dwellers more resistant to disease. That's according to a study in the journal Evolution.
"The result of this state of affairs is an incalculable surfeit of suffering, not just for those about to die but also for their loved ones," the study said.
“The result of this state of affairs is an incalculable surfeit of suffering, not just for those about to die but also for their loved ones,” the study said.
Honorary authors, also called guest authors, receive credit in a published study but had little to do with designing it or writing the article.
This will not only keep the study habit alive but also keep you up to date on your class assignments and projects.
But more in-depth study of the program, which is extremely large and highly complex by malware standards, has revealed that it can also make changes to those systems.
The women who ate prunes saw also slight reductions in these risk factors, but not to the same extent as those who ate apples, said study author and professor of nutrition Bahram H.Arjmandi.
The women who ate prunes saw also slight reductions in these risk factors, but not to the same extent as those who ate apples, said study author and professor of nutrition Bahram H. Arjmandi.
But the study also shows that fatter men and women don't have to jump out of the pool or settle for less if they've got other things going for them.
The reports from students after the study suggest that giving up technology cold turkey not only makes life logistically difficult, but also changes our ability to connect with others.
Some of the reasons are due to the misuse of statistics and poor study design, but what Ioannidis and others now looking at this problem also point to are the social and political factors.
Some of the reasons are due to the misuse of statistics and poor study design, but what Ioannidis and others now looking at this problem also point to are the social and political factors.