There is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which, if broken, makes the person immediately the object of suspicion.
Chinese people today are equally curious about the past and the future, but seem to be disinterested in the present, as if they already understood very clearly today's world.
But it must be clearly understood that "Society," in that sense of the word, is merely one of a hundred Rings, and snobbery therefore only one form of the longing to be inside.
Sometimes he was in search of greener pastures while at other times I found him chasing butterflies. He never realized the danger he in, but I understood it clearly.
But one fact must be clearly understood: we will never get to heaven by that route.
The notion of envying Catherine was incomprehensible to him, but the notion of grieving her he understood clearly enough.
But I understood clearly that I was a sinner, and needed to be saved.
But if you look at what they are actually doing, I think it is pretty clearly understood that the sources of inflation are domestic.
But when you clearly understood 'why' learning these skills was worth the time, you simply got busy and did it.
I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. he answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.
However, there are several trace minerals that also have an important role to play in developing optimal bone health, but their exact function is not so clearly understood.
However, there are several trace minerals that also have an important role to play in developing optimal bone health, but their exact function is not so clearly understood.