I know I should be lost to the Netherlands and are partly responsible, but I can honestly say, I did the best for the national team.
I've been studying English for the past 14 years, but I can honestly say that my 6 months studying at EF has been by far the most pleasant and the most worthwhile.
Andrew McNeil, 48 Minutes of Hell: I don't know whether I can honestly call them the most accomplished big three ever, but I can say they're easily ahead of my generation's groups of three.
AndrewMcNeil,48Minutesof Hell:我不知道自己能不能称他们三个为最棒的3人组,但我能说的是他们确实是非常不错。
What can I say, but honestly the day that I feel that I am slower than my first race is the day I will call it off and stop.
Those are always tough when you go through them, but I honestly can say, thank God for those, too.
So, I have the form of correspondence to a letter to her: I can honestly say that I do not understand why your mother to do so, but one thing I am sure: Poor Parents!
I have lived and travelled throughout the world but can honestly say I respected no other as much as Yang.
I have lived and travelled throughout the world but can honestly say I respected no other as much as Yang.