But recent events suggest that it may not be enough to base a regime solely on capital adequacy.
THERE is not much to see in the city of Bakersfield, north of Los Angeles, but recent events have put it on the global electricity-industry map.
But recent events have me thinking of his 1729 essay "a Modest Proposal," in which he observed the dire poverty of the Irish, and offered a solution: sell the children as food.
South Sudan is preparing to declare its independence on July ninth. But recent events have raised concerns about the peace process that ended years of civil war with Sudan's north.
Unfortunate timing, perhaps, but both these events speak to our collective memories of the recent national past - and how we rewrite them to make sense of the present.
Better predictions for hurricanes and other tropical cyclones, as well as tornadoes, have reduced the death tolls from such events in recent decades. But flooding deaths are on the rise.
During the dinner we had an agreeable conversation - nothing extraordinary - but catching up on recent events of each other's life.
During the dinner we had an agreeable conversation — nothing extraordinary — but catching up on recent events of each other's life.
Mr McInerney's fiction does not address how this group has been chastened by recent events, but his concluding story, "The Last Bachelor", has a timely, valedictory air.
But if recent events have taught us anything, it's that a corporate job is no guarantee at all.
But the book takes on the feel of a long, not especially revelatory, magazine article as the author gets nearer to the most recent events.
Sure, some people like the security of a regular paycheck, but if recent events have taught us anything, it's that this kind of security is an illusion.
The world has been through interesting times since 1990, but the events and characters are less striking and too recent to make for a rich dramatic narrative.
Mass bleaching events were extremely rare 30 years ago but had become increasingly common in recent years, he said.
The company had planned to launch on July 1st but given the recent events in Tehran, it has decided to launch early.
I look forward to hearing the outcome of this, but... in keeping with recent events, I won't hold my breath.
I hate to sound all paranoid, but the events of recent past weeks hasn't filled me with much hope.
Recent events have prevent you from moving as decisively as you'd have liked, which was hugely frustrating but - as you're about to learn - in your best interests.
In recent years, reports linking vaccines to autism have been debunked, but fears of adverse events — which experts say are rare — have proven difficult to erase.
Google has always used its logo as a way of commemorating important historical dates and major world events, but has become increasingly playful in recent weeks.
But in recent year, many ecological disaster events has been initiated by aquatic organisms from foreign area, posing serious threat to ecological environment security.
But recent studies have found that some patients exist clopidogrel resistant, that means some patients with clopidogrel treatment will still occur cardiovascular events.
Recent reports suggest that less than 1% of MIs are complicated by stroke, but the combined occurrence of these events can have devastating consequences.
Recent reports suggest that less than 1% of MIs are complicated by stroke, but the combined occurrence of these events can have devastating consequences.