"Then, we had this beautiful store, but we had no clothes in it," she says.
But while 'my mothering instinct was to go over there and hover, ' she says, she restrained herself while Ella cried for a few moments, then joined her husband to pat Ella's back and soothe her.
She says if you have a cold but do not feel hungry, then don't eat.
What if the patient says she will take the medication, but then doesn't?
She is quiet for a moment and then she says: "Because I don't have enough sense of myself. I know it sounds pathetic, but I don't know who I am.
It was kind of weird, but then everyone here is a little quirky, " she says.
One would expect then that temperature is tightly controlled in transit, but in realty she says that does not always happen.
“It's like dating someone,” he says. “You can say let's wait two years. But she probably won't be around then.
She paused to think about it, but then comes to her senses and says, "I said NO!"
But it's difficult to know which came first, she says, as men may first get sick and then testosterone declines.
"The trends are important, but it's always important to focus on what looks good on you first, and then find a suit that updates your look from there, " she says.
Then, we had this beautiful store, but we had no clothes in it, " she says."
We have asked her not to do housework, but she says we don't need her any more and cries and refuses to eat. Then we comfort her as if we were treating a child.
And then she says to me: 'But listen, dear, how do you know you won't get tired of me?
It has been two decades of flying since then but she says it feels as if she has just started.
But if she says "thanks A LOT" then that's meant as sarcasm and you should definitely not say "you're welcome" then she will reply with "whatever. " Refer to #8.
Mark says he felt comfortable talking to Jody about it, but then she "gave me my space when I needed it and rest when I needed it."
She says she took around 130 copies, but then gave them to campus police and apologized a few days later.
She says she took around 130 copies, but then gave them to campus police and apologized a few days later.