They are not yet a spent force, but time is running out for them very quickly.
The military campaign against the colonel may appear to have stalled, but time is running out for him.
But time is running out. Some Americanfirms have reached a level of distress that will prompt customers to withdraw their business, whatever thepenalties.
Authorities say heavy digging equipment is headed to the worst-hit areas of western Java, but time is running out for scores buried under collapsed buildings and landslides.
But the delay has frustrated those who feel time is running out.
But nobody really knows, and time is running out to prepare a census in 2011.
Hill told journalists shortly before the meeting started at the U.S. embassy in Singapore he did not expect the talks to reach an agreement, but warned time is running out.
But thanks to political posturing in Washington, they haven't been able to extend it this time - and the clock is running out.
Time is running out, but it is not too late.
But, having grown up by the ocean, I know that for a certain time after the tide has gone out, the sand is solid from the moisture and is more suitable for running, so I run barefoot there often too.
Time is running down, not necessarily out, but I think we all feel in the room that if we continue to work at it we can possibly find a way to get a deal done.
The answer is still yes, but the scale of action needed is growing even as the time to act is running out.
But his memory isn't completely clear yet, and Michael is running out of time.
But as the November elections approach, Mr Paulson's time is running out.
But industry commentators worry that time is running out and such a laissez-faire approach threatens the company's survival.
But there are only four weeks left in 2010 and time is running out.
In mitigation, he is 23, which is still young enough to improve, but his next birthday is in January and time is running out.
But hope is dimming as time is running out.
If it's germane but time is still running out, you should assign a smaller group to either gather more information or move the process along once the meeting is over.
If it's germane but time is still running out, you should assign a smaller group to either gather more information or move the process along once the meeting is over.