If you want to buy the company you have to buy up all the debt and all the equity.
If you really want to buy the company, you buy up all its equity — all of its shares — and all of its debt.
If you wanted to buy a company up and own it yourself completely, you could conceive of buying all the shares in the company.
If GM is split up in a bankruptcy court, this will provide an opening for competitors, many of whom will buy up pieces of the company.
If you know the secrets of a company, if you know some good news about the company before the public does, you could buy the shares of the company and experience the profit when the price goes up.
The company has also extended the deadline for exercising an option to buy up to 775, 000 HP shares.
The further acompany’s stock price falls, due to lax management or wrong-headed policies, the easier it is for another company or group of investors to buy up a majorityof the shares.
由于公司管理松散或者执行错误的战略导向,公司股票价格将会不断地下跌。 公司的股票价格越低,对于其他公司或者投资者群体就越容易购买到公司绝大多数股份。
If you buy stock in a company the most you can lose is the money you put up, so that's called limited liability.
You will be able to buy garages across the country, fill them with lorries and even start up your own transportation company!
When buyers make up their minds to buy a vehicle, the company collects 2 percent of the selling price in commission and hands the rest on to the seller.
When buyers make up their minds to buy a vehicle, the company collects 2 percent of the selling price in commission and hands the rest on to the seller.