The key is not to be buzzword compliant or to join the trendy game of buzzword bashing.
To make this shopping cart example buzzword compliant, the product add-to-cart function is done with an Ajax call without refreshing the page.
要让这个购物车可以更好地工作,产品的add - to - cart函数需要调用Ajax,这样不用对页面进行刷新。
MODx is 100% buzzword compliant, and makes child's play of building content managed sites with validating, accessible CSS layouts – hence Ajax CMS.
MODx是一个100%的符合时新标准规范的CMS,使用它建立内容管理网站就像小孩子玩游戏一样,当然,它也是通过验证的、可访问的CSS布局的Ajax CMS。
Computer science is no longer a buzzword-compliant "get rich quick" subject, and people (outside the BCS) are starting to realize that it's not a vocational software development degree course.
Computer science is no longer a buzzword-compliant "get rich quick" subject, and people (outside the BCS) are starting to realize that it's not a vocational software development degree course.