You are also saving by not driving very far and by not taking an airplane anywhere.
By far the most populous country in the top 10, France ranks very high in air and water quality and fisheries management.
With a very large outboard motor, for example, the boat may be imbalanced by having that weight far astern and may "squat" in the water and not sail as well.
By looking very far away, because the light takes so long on its journey to reach the Earth, astronomers are effectively able to look back in time to this early era.
The first and far worse type is the End of Life—the crisis that threatens to annihilate us by destroying our very existence.
The direct imaging of the light from an exoplanet, so far accomplished by the Hubble Space Telescope and the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope.
The statement that oil originated in the sea is confirmed by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfield of the world; very few of them are far distant from the oceans of today.
The very notion that truth would be checked by a consensus of passing conscientious browsers was far-fetched.
Systems dominated by very large "super-Jupiter" planets are probably far more chaotic, with gravitational tussles causing planets to end up in all sorts of strange orbits.
But the United States has far higher health costs than any other advanced country, and very low taxes by international standards.
We have to go to the farm by car because it is very far.
But you introduce the story by saying some teams just don't get very far, and others really fly.
Another thing about junk food: when you're in new lands you will find some very interesting choices in vegan junk food! The best, by far, is in India.
And these flows that Kashlinsky and his colleagues have inferred of clusters that are very, very far away can't be explained by the lumpy distribution of matter.
If we doubled the transactions achieved by Rational Performance Tester in Test 3, we noticed that it compared very well to the results in Test 1 and did far better for light loads.
如果我们将测试3中RationalPerformance Tester所完成的事务加倍,那么我们会注意到它比起测试1中的结果会好,并且对于轻负载会好的多。
MilOWS detected the obstacles as expected. The good test results approve the work done by the developers so far as regards the design of this very complex optronic system.
YouTube is, by far, the most popular online video service, but we actually know very little about how bloggers use the service to embed videos on their own sites.
The idea that we go there by bus is acceptable because it is very far from here to the city.
The slow wagons of that time, usually drawn by horses, were too expensive for moving heavy freight very far.
Human skin is by far the most complex of these situations, since it is comprised of many layers, each with a very different composition.
Some of them came here from a very far place by bus.
Our service has been very well-received by our customers so far.
I've tried to understand it by listening to your talks and reading your books, but I don't seem to get very far.
We have to go to farm by car because it is very far.
We have to go the farm by car because it is very far.
The young singer is very popular and has made a lot of records by far.
The young singer is very popular and has made a lot of records by far.