The mind's natural tendency when faced with pain is to attempt to avoid it-by trying to resist unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and sensations.
When the pain grows bit by bit, the natural tendency is to do nothing and wait for an improvement.
But this natural and healthy tendency has taken over our lives to such an extent that we are often paralyzed by a fear of the outside world and obsessed by how others see us.
It is depressing to read that the natural tendency of the elderly to resist change - essential for stewardship and often characterised by wisdom - is so disrespected.
National needs in essence are a tense situation caused by deficiency or probable deficiency and a natural tendency for a nation to obtain its own deficiency and probable deficiency.
The current tendency for gas bottle lightening and the possibility of developing the natural gas filling line by the new storage method were introduced as well.
Synthetic antioxidants usually have various side effects, thus, there is a growing tendency to replace synthetic antioxidants by those from natural resources of low toxicity and high efficiency.
There is a natural tendency to procrastinate in all of us. Create the necessary pressure by giving yourself reasonable but challenging deadlines for coming up with new ideas.
The current tendency for gas bottle lightening and the possibility of developing the natural gas filling line by the new storage method we…
The current tendency for gas bottle lightening and the possibility of developing the natural gas filling line by the new storage method we…