Bishop describes the problem as simply a matter of priorities, which can be solved by encouraging people to prioritize other life goals and plans in place of time spent online.
They embrace priorities and follow procedures by instinct and assumption rather than by explicit decision, which means that they've created a culture.
By carefully organizing your goals, objectives and priorities you could plan out the day for maximum efficiency.
By tracking their work items, team members get a better understanding of priorities, so they can focus appropriately and can into the team's progress.
By migrating the important and riskier parts of your application first, you mitigate some of that risk by allowing schedules and priorities to change early on in the effort.
Each organization had its own BI tools and infrastructure, each was funded with its own budget, and each was driven by its own metrics and priorities.
When you take the time to cultivate a productive working relationship-by understanding your boss's strengths and weaknesses, priorities, and work style-everyone wins.
如果你花费时间去培养多产的工作关系- - -通过理解你的上司的优缺点,优先考虑的事和工作风格- - -那么你们就能够达到双赢。
This output is explained by considering the priorities of the RT threads.
This article describes aspects of RTSJ threading and synchronization by discussing how thread priorities and priority queues are managed.
Mr Duncan is, in fact, making early education one of his priorities, by including it in the next round of funding for Race to the Top, the big federal programme for schools.
It was difficult at first to gain the co-operation of the people, but over the years we succeeded by working with them and respecting their needs and priorities.
This consolidation is driven by budget availability and technological priorities, such as those of cost reduction, ease of maintenance, and decreased complexity.
By developing a roadmap based on business priorities, Banks can surgically extend and replace key portions of their cardiovascular system.
The different priorities of messages are represented by logging levels.
By developing a roadmap based on business priorities, iterative improvements in core systems lessen the risk and better support changing business requirements than full replacements.
You can assign priorities easily by using the drop-down menu embedded in the list items (see Figure 17).
Your desire to come to class to study, to go out with friends, to read a book, to raise a family, to be — to do anything are priorities set by your emotions.
More than 290,000 school district jobs have been eliminated since August 2008, according to a study released last week by the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
The Stop TB Strategy, launched by WHO in 2006, includes the following priorities.
You can build your know-how of setting priorities by doing these five things.
In fact, application development priorities are driven by industry players and factors outside of the scope of databases.
This is addressed by the model by setting priorities at the chunk level.
These are some of my personal commitments as WHO moves forward to meet the goals set by the international community and the priorities you as Member States give us.
It doesn't come about by accident, but because they focus on their financial priorities.
You can assign priorities easily by using the drop-down menu embedded in the list items, as Figure 24 shows.
The best thing we can do is use our time effectively and transform our lifestyle by focusing on our priorities and decluttering our commitments.
The author concludes by spelling out what America must do to retain its significance: choose its priorities, work closely with Allies and agree on international rules of interaction.
Priorities are also an important tool for use by rt applications.
Priorities are also an important tool for use by rt applications.