There are also a few cases where data generated by Hadoop is directly used by products.
Mercedes is not new to making small cars, but its efforts have been crippled by products that are sub-scale and over-engineered.
Dioxins are mainly by products of industrial processes but can also result from natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires.
You will create two reports — one that shows a revenue list grouped by products and another one that shows the list of association rules on the products from the RETAIL table.
Assessing the global impact of an animal disease on international markets would warrant a framework of analysis which would connect markets in spatial terms as well as by products.
The company has since largely backed away from beta gimmickry; among other reasons, it discovered that big corporate customers aren't so excited by products that claim to be unfinished.
Dioxins are unwanted by products of a wide range of manufacturing processes including smelting, chlorine bleaching of paper pulp and the manufacturing of some herbicides and pesticides.
When burnt, plastic produces dangerous by-products.
One of the by-products of unemployment is an increase in crime.
Occurrences of food shortages and droughts are causing famine and distress in some areas, and industrial and agricultural by-products are polluting water supplies.
Yet occurrences of food shortages and droughts are causing famine and distress in some areas, and industrial and agricultural by-products are polluting water supplies.
The management of poultry by-products focuses on soil, water and air quality issues.
One of these petroleum by-products is isoprene.
Pepsi hopes to produce bottles in the future using orange and potato peels and other by-products from food.
The planning, construction and operation of poultry installations of any size should consider the issues involved in storing, managing and utilizing waste by-products.
And the process of making biochar also creates beneficial by-products.
The next goal is to find a similarly efficient second catalyst to transform the by-products into an energy-dense fuel like methanol to give gasoline a run for its money.
One of these petroleum by-products is isoprene. This is used to make the synthetic rubber in car tyres.
The process would produce two useful by-products: unsulphonated lignin, a commercially valuable polymer, and xylose, a type of wood sugar used in dyeing and in foods for diabetics.
In retrospect, these candid assessments are one of the unforeseen by-products of a full-time, two-year MBA.
Missed deadlines, postponed features, or a rising backlog of defects become accepted by-products of our development lifecycles — business as usual.
In slaughter line operations, clean and unclean operations are physically separated and individually manned to avoid contamination of carcasses and edible by-products.
Burning of biomass, such as agricultural by-products, is another technology being put to use on a more limited scale.
Melbourne researchers have truly applied the old adage ‘waste not want not’, turning fruit by-products into a rich source of antioxidants for human health. Nerissa Hannink reports.
It usually means developing flavors from plant or bacteria by-products, or chemically treating naturally occurring molecules.
The radioactive isotope Strontium-90, one of the by-products of the bombs, spread into the atmosphere, fell onto the land, was ingested by dairy cows and passed into the milk supply.
The radioactive isotope Strontium-90, one of the by-products of the bombs, spread into the atmosphere, fell onto the land, was ingested by dairy cows and passed into the milk supply.