Before starting to design the report, we need to determine how to calculate the status of work items.
Computer chips in the lights calculate the expected flow of vehicles, and determine how long the lights should stay green.
You can determine latitude from the Angle between a celestial object and the horizon, and you can calculate longitude from the Earth's rotation.
Step 3: Determine costs of the effort and calculate ROI.
From this data, you use the equations in Figure 3 to calculate four metrics that help determine which tablespaces are better candidates to place on SSDS.
There might be hundreds of facet values; the code needs to calculate result counts for each one of them in order to determine which five facet values to list for the facet.
Determine costs of the effort and calculate ROI.
You will need to determine which tool best suits your application, and how to calculate the time spent by that tool to collect performance data during the automation run.
It takes in command line parameters to determine what services to find users and calculate stats.
Geologists have to determine if there is a suitable underground site, calculate how much carbon dioxide it can hold and then equip it in a way that prevents leaks and ensures safety.
Select Calculate time and Cost to determine the delivery time of your shipment.
You will see examples of how you can calculate ROIs to determine the cost effectiveness of a countermeasure or even the implementation of a Web service in the SOAs.
My Tnooz inbox is full of reports from organisations looking to calculate or determine how important Facebook is to travel companies.
Third, in order to calculate microscopic sweep efficiency in pore models, we define sweep boundary of displacement fluid, and determine it by velocity method.
Determine the serum antibody concentration of mice by RIA and calculate ED50 and relative potency.
放射免疫法检测免疫小鼠血清抗体浓度,计算ed 50和相对效力。
Input the two rectangular determine whether two rectangles intersect if intersect, calculate the area of the intersection of disjoint return.
The key problem of stability analysis of roadbed slope is how to determine the most dangerous sliding circle and calculate the minimum safety factor, this is a nonlinear problem.
Methods: Calculate the volume and weight of the transplanted tumor, determine the index of spleen and liver.
Applying the breakthrough pressure method can determine not only the plugging position of the agent in the formations, but also combine plugging agent correctly and calculate plugging agent volume.
Critical pressure is used along with critical temperature to determine the state in which a fluid exists (liquid or gas) and to calculate compressibility factors.
In this paper, a method to determine and calculate terminal test load is pointed out for adjusting brake rope parachute gear for cage hoisting in auxiliary shaft.
Using single - plane calculation theory, this paper calculate the maximum horizontal pull of main and assistant cable, determine its minimize diameter.
The key to calculate the ultimate flexural strength of unbonded partially prestressed concrete (UPPC) beam Bridges is how to determine the ultimate stress of unbonded post tensioning tendons.
This article discusses on how to determine the time of steel works recovery production and the starting time of electric energy meter failure in order to calculate readjustment electric quantity.
This paper discusses majorly on how to determine, design and calculate the technology indices in producing process.
The reinsurance acceptor shall, according to the provisions of the relevant reinsurance contracts, calculate and determine the amount of reinsurance premium income.
The paper analyzed the characteristics of travel road, and introduced how to calculate traffic volume and determine structure coat thickness of pavement.
The paper analyzed the characteristics of travel road, and introduced how to calculate traffic volume and determine structure coat thickness of pavement.