People escape the record heat and enjoy the beach in Huntington Beach, Calif., as a heat wave grips Southern California, Monday, Sept. 27, 2010. AP / Lori Shepler
LONG BEACH, Calif. - Astronomers may have solved a cosmic chicken-and-the-egg problem: Which came first - galaxies or the supermassive black holes in their cores?
With ocean views, Pyne Castle is set on 1.2 acres of grounds in Laguna Beach, Calif., that include rose gardens, manicured lawns and fountains.
For now, shipments continue to arrive, because many crates are stacked up in warehouses in Long Beach, Calif., where the components are unloaded from Japan.
But later that spring, the student from Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach, Calif., got into Yale.
And a major step forward in the marketplace: Philadelphia; Honolulu; Long Beach, Calif., and Albuquerque, N.M., have all bought the GM buses in recent months.
Madeline Holler is a writer and mother of three living in Long Beach, Calif.
That is the premise behind Virtual Greats, a start-up in Huntington Beach, Calif., that represents celebrities and brands in the burgeoning American virtual goods business.
这就是新兴公司VirtualGreats的创业前提 它位于加州亨廷顿海滩。在初展头角的虚拟物品交易市场中,Virtual Greats经营名人和品牌的代理权。
The real estate mogul and chairman of Newport Beach, Calif-based Irvine Co. is not what you would call a publicity hound.
说起房地产大鳄、加州纽波特海滩欧文有限公司(IrvineCo.)董事长唐纳德·布伦(Donald Bren),那绝对是一位行事低调、避免抛头露面的富豪。
Two girls cool off at the Santa Monica Beach in Santa Monica, Calif., Wednesday, July 14, 2010.
图24. 2010年7月14日,两个小女孩在加利福尼亚州圣塔莫尼卡海滩享受凉爽的海风和海水。
Money Magazine is out with a list of 'Best Places to Live in if You're Rich and Single.' The top 25 is dominated by California, with No. 1 being Newport Beach, Calif.
这25个居住地多在加利福尼亚,排在榜首的便是加州的新港滩(Newport Beach)。
Walt Winfield and Trina Miller stop to listen as Lisa Zieper plays a piano in Laguna Beach, Calif. , on Jan. 18.
Mr. Pang was found unconscious by his mother at his Newport Beach, Calif. , home the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2009.
The updated plans were discussed at a conference of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics on Thursday in Long Beach, Calif.
The pressures on parents today are enormous, " says Tom Vogele, a single father of twin 18-year-old girls in Newport Beach, Calif."
The pressures on parents today are enormous, " says Tom Vogele, a single father of twin 18-year-old girls in Newport Beach, Calif."