Can I help you do the cleaning?
As you only have a short stay in Shanghai, you probably will not be able to do much more sightseeing. But if I can help in any other way, please let me know.
The $11 billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like "I never do anything right" into positive ones like "I can succeed".
Ask the other person, "What can I do to help you?" and be glad to do it.
Knowing you are interested in China, I do believe you can help me solve these puzzles.
I volunteer because I can. It's as simple as that. If you could do something to help the world around you, why wouldn't you?
Until you feel stronger, I suggest you stay away from the type of self-help literature you have brought it because those texts can do further damage if read in a very depressed state.
I was thinking, you weird American, what do you think you can help the country by not going to the work!
Of course, you may want to communicate in a lighter vein, and since three grunts might be mis-heard as two, four grunts can be similar to Yellow: I need to communicate with you, please help me do so.
Do I believe you can help change the world if you practice the techniques found inside it?
It began, "Dear George W.Bush.If there's anything you know, I, Ashley Pearson, age 10, can do to help anyone, please send me a letter and tell me what I can do to save our country.
You do this for me, and I can help you out with that.
If a soldier sees you there's nothing I can do to help.
Operator: No I can’t do that. I can send someone else to help you.
I'll do anything (that) I can to help you.
If you think that I can be of any help, please let me know and I'll certainly do what I can.
You can do as you please, but I shall keep my book on the table here and read a little every morning as soon as I wake, for I know it will do me good and help me through the day.
B: I'm sorry I can do nothing to help you, madam.
Second, what additional things can I do to help you do your job better?
I'd like you to stay here and look after Shandy again while I go in to see what I can do to help.
Brian: Is there anything I can do to help you?
Sometimes giving yourself a little pep talk and saying things such, "I can do this!" or "I'm staying strong" can help you through a rough patch.
If you consider I can be any help to you and IPCC in any of these three respects, please do not hesitate and contact me.
There is a question you can ask yourself that will help you save more money: "Do I really need this?"
So, you ask, what can I do to help with all of these dilemmas ?
A: yes, I think I can help you. why don't you come round and see me? Do you know where my office is?
A: yes, I think I can help you. why don't you come round and see me? Do you know where my office is?