Can you answer the question in English?
Can you answer the question when Penicillin was discovered?
If I ask you whom you like best, father or mother? Can you answer the question? Dear friends I love this wonderful country and that is why I remain here.
Keep asking the question even after you get your first answer-you can use the information to create a workable solution.
The aim of continuous improvement is to help you answer this basic question: how can you take control of the important facets of your life?
You then decide to either answer the question or refer it to another friend. Of course, you can also always pass if you don't know the answer.
Knowing the answer to that question will tell you if you can get better and how you can get better.
So, to avoid wasting time modeling, decide in advance what questions you want the model to answer, then you can build a model that helps you answer the question.
Not really meant to be really a guidebook of what to do and what not to do 'cos the only person who really can answer that question is you.
Nhat Hanh: the question can be answered when you can answer this: What happens in the present moment?
Depending on your goal, your answer to this question can lead to a litany of other questions about the specifics of whatever body of resources you need to protect.
Knowing the answer to this question can give you some insight into what material things you actually need beyond the bare necessities, in order to be happy.
Otherwise, you can require the user to answer a challenge question before the system will E-mail his password.
And, as you can see, the bottom line answer to this question is, it depends.
Otherwise, if you can frame the question such that a lengthy answer isn't required, you're apt to get a quicker response.
When you, as a job seeker, are asked the most common, and toughest, interview question, "Tell me about yourself," your answer can make or break you as a candidate.
The answer to this question can give insight into everything from how long the workdays are to how many after-hours phone calls you can expect.
When use cases drive solution testing, you can readily answer the question of why or what was tested, providing confidence that the solution matches the explicit expectations of the customer.
Nobody was really sure what happens if you answer the hardest question he can come up with because it's never happened before.
And the problem is that nobody else can answer that question for you.
If you can answer me one question, I will break off the engagement and remain single for the rest of my life.
I think my new answer to this question is the best way to start a company is not to, is to be part of a founding team with other people who can give you the entrepreneurship.
The writer of the letter asked a civil question; attack cats, then, only if you can do so with good humor, good taste, and in such a way that your answer will be courteous as well as responsive.
The question of 'how you slept' is often the first thing many of us are asked in the morning - but it can be difficult to answer, given that you tend to have been asleep at the time.
Ruby: At the group I'm in within Emerging Technology, our job is to figure out the answer to the question you're asking, and the only honest answer I can give you is: I don't know yet.
Ruby:在我所在的EmergingTechnology 部门,我们的工作是找出您所提出的这个问题的答案,而我可以回答您的最诚实的答案只能是:我目前还不知道。
If you do not think hard, you can not answer the question well.
You can give an answer that is vaguely related to the question but that confidently returns your audience back to your main point.
For the questions to which your answer is no, you can also ask why to find out the reason behind it. For example, take this question.
For the questions to which your answer is no, you can also ask why to find out the reason behind it. For example, take this question.