"They don't like to associate technology with food," said Nicholas Genovese, a visiting scholar in cancer cell biology.
A drug might be able to kill some but not all of the cancer because each cell is a little different.
These tiny robots move from cell to cell in the patient's body, destroying the cancer cells.
The more science tells us about the cancer cell, the more it resembles us.
One drug specifically targets a mutated gene that tells a cancer cell to grow, the other boosts a patient's immune system in the fight against the disease.
It really is knocking you back down, and it will continue to do so until you stop trying to get ahead like a cancer cell would.
They showed that the cells that give rise to blood vessels are an immature cancer cell, known as a stemlike cancer cell.
In other words, there may be two or three molecules inside cancer cells that are functioning abnormally in order to confer on the cancer cell unrelenting growth.
You cannot get a cancer cell occurring unless DNA is altered.
帕特还认为,毫无疑问,酒精的确是癌症的一大诱因。 “除非人体的DNA发生变化,否则就不会患上癌症。
Doctors found cancer cell in the section.
You could see, for example, when it's expressed in a cancer cell, and where it's expressed.
But it is an open question, given all the genetic damage in a cancer cell, as to which type of damage would be the best marker of a tumor's presence.
"The high levels of sugar in soft drinks may be increasing the level of insulin in the body, which we think contributes to pancreatic cancer cell growth," Pereira said in a statement.
Researchers, in their more detached moments, can't help admiring the cancer cell, the way that Sherlock Holmes admired Moriarty, as a worthy opponent.
Time-lapse microscope images show a microrocket pick up and transport a pancreatic cancer cell (highlighted with parentheses) in diluted human serum.
"If we seek immortality," Mukherjee writes, "then so, too, in a rather perverse sense, does the cancer cell."
However, in a number of human diseases, including cancer, cell signaling pathways can go awry.
International Digest: Most features of the cancer cell can be explained by genetic or epigenetic changes. Can you talk about the latest progress in terms of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)?
The study explored how TF-2 induced cancer cell death and found that it caused such cells to shrink within three hours.
研究人员仔细查看了TF - 2是如何导致癌细胞死亡的,并发现它能在3小时内使此类细胞缩小。
Currently, the most active area of research involves introducing one of the cytosine genes into the cancer cell.
Recently Dr Ajlouni and Ms Tow examined the antioxidant powder against standard laboratory cancer cell lines.
It was proved by experimentation that allicin not only inhibited carcinogen function, but also decreased cancer cell proliferation.
Cholesterol, often stored in tumors, may change the structure of fatty cell membranes to produce signals that influence cancer cell growth and survival.
A tumor suppressor that promotes cancer cell growth?
In the new study published in the journal cancer Prevention Research, the intake of sulforaphane did reduce HDAC activity, as well as cancer cell growth.
Purpose To identify the mechanism of elemene on gastric cancer cell.
Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering.
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