Earrings were given to young sailors to commemorate their first crossing of the equator, or when they rounded the treacherous waters of Cape Horn, the southernmost tip of south America.
The journey round Cape Horn demanded a high degree of seamanship.
The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part, during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.
A continent of the southern Western Hemisphere southeast of North America between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It extends from the Caribbean Sea southward to Cape Horn.
Past the Equator, before passing Cape Horn, he mapped out a course that would loop around the south Atlantic, in the outline of a heart.
Thesecond half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part, during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.
The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part, during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.
The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part, during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.