Star System: Capella - Planet: Pershea
Some a capella song are really amusing.
Capella is a golden star when seen higher up in the sky.
It was based on the Mazda Capella which was mainly sold in Japan.
She sang, a capella, a beautiful pure song, and then led me to the door.
Capella at one corner of the constellation Auriga. Capella marks the Charioteer's left shoulder.
Another interesting company waiting in the wings to go public soon is Capella Online University.
Here's a close - up look at the constellation Auriga the Charioteer. Its brightest star is called Capella.
I had a Boyz II Men-esque 3-person a capella group when I was in junior high – and another 5-man group in college.
The six stars that compose the Winter Hexagon are Aldebaren, Capella, Castor (and Pollux), Procyon, Rigel, and Sirius.
Contrast Capella with Aldebaran, shining in the constellation Taurus to the right, and to the stars of the misty Pleiades cluster higher up.
As Aguilera sings a soulful a capella rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, graphics illustrate how millions of children go to bed hungry.
Capella is left of the tower and Aldebaran, Betelgeuse, Rigel, and stars in Orion's Belt can just be identified in the heavily light-polluted skies.
The self-taught composer used voice-modulation software to layer her vocals, creating a haunting a capella meditation on life and death that sounds like Wendy Carlos meets the Cocteau Twins.
自学成才的作曲者用声音调节软件将她的声音分层,激发人们关于生与死的冥想,萦绕心际,就像WendyCarlos和Cocteau Twins的结合。
The self-taught composer used voice-modulation software to layer her vocals, creating a haunting a capella meditation on life and death that sounds like Wendy Carlos meets the Cocteau Twins.
自学成才的作曲者用声音调节软件将她的声音分层,激发人们关于生与死的冥想,萦绕心际,就像WendyCarlos和Cocteau Twins的结合。