The scale of the financial capital too big or too small to bring efficiency loss of the core of the financial risk, that is.
To make provision loan loss provision is a measure taken by commercial Banks to fight against credit risk. Ineffective loan loss provision will affect banking capital and profit.
For financial enterprises, risk quantifications are needed to calculate the appropriate amount of capital in loss buffering.
This risk quantification model considers the combined effect of various risk and quantify the risk to the loss of capital value.
Economic capital is a kind of capital that is used by the bank to resist the business risk and it's equal to the sum of unexpected loss.
The risk of stock market refers to the possibility of security value loss and the deviation of real earnings from expected returns, which can be both earning deviation and capital loss.
The risk of loss in the capital value of s currency transaction, where one side of the bargain is completed, but completion on the other side is delayed.
Loss Given Default (LGD) is one of the most important parameters within Internal Risk Based approach (IRB) in the New Basel Capital Accord.
违约损失率(LGD)是巴塞尔新资本协议中ir B法中最重要的参数。
Loss Given Default (LGD) is one of the most important parameters within Internal Risk Based approach (IRB) in the New Basel Capital Accord.
违约损失率(LGD)是巴塞尔新资本协议中ir B法中最重要的参数。