Carbon dioxide is the second most important greenhouse gas, trapping heat in our atmosphere and increasing global temperatures via the greenhouse effect.
Its surface has been cooked and dried by an ocean of carbon dioxide, trapped in the burning death grip of a runaway greenhouse effect.
The increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the burning of coal and oil is creating a greenhouse effect, and raising the world's average temperature.
The first bacteria, for instance, consumed carbon dioxide, removing it from the atmosphere and limiting the effect of this greenhouse gas.
Methane, the primary component of natural gas and among the more potent greenhouse gases, has far more of an effect on climate change than carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is the second most important greenhouse gas (after water vapour), trapping heat in our atmosphere and increasing global temperatures via the greenhouse effect.
Since both of these chemicals are more potent greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide, this effect, too, should help combat global warming.
By comparison with the greenhouse effect caused by increases in carbon dioxide, the stratospheric drying is hardly massive.
As the world's oceans warm, their massive stores of dissolved carbon dioxide may be quick to bubble back out into the atmosphere and amplify the greenhouse effect, according to a new study.
This may have been triggered by a 250-million-year lull in volcanic activity, which would have meant less carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere, and a reduced greenhouse effect.
Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect.
Most people know that carbon dioxide is the most famous of greenhouse gases, but few people know, methane's greenhouse effect, turned out to be 25 times more carbon dioxide.
Methane accounts for about 20% of the 20th century enhanced greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide makes up about 60%, and other gases account for the remainder.
The carbon dioxide is the final oxidation product of carbonaceous compound, which arosed the global greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect is caused by the excess carbon dioxide in the air.
Last but not least, the cars produce tens of thousands of carbon dioxide, which will create greenhouse effect and other serious environmental pollution.
Environmentally - friendly product, may suppress discharge of carbon dioxide, prevent acceleration of greenhouse effect.
Greenhouse gas - GHG gas that helps cause the greenhouse effect. Includes carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons.
The greenhouse effect is the important reason to cause the global warming, while carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect is the most important greenhouse gas.
Controlled environment has an obvious effect on plants production, and control of carbon dioxide in a greenhouse may be increased production.
The carbon dioxide leads to the worldwide greenhouse effect, which causes the sea level to rise and produces negative impacts on weather.
Now the whole world greenhouse effect, the carbon dioxide emissions increases, more or less has affected us, is threatening on Earth's zoology and botany survival.
Additionally, the greenhouse effect of methane is 60 times more than carbon dioxide.
This is a chain of problems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glaciers, which leads to rising sea levels.
以上的英文的意思就是 “这是一个连环问题:燃烧石油导致二氧化碳增加,二氧化碳增加导致温室效应,温室效应导致冰层融化、海平面上升。”
This is a chain of problems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glaciers, which leads to rising sea levels.
以上的英文的意思就是 “这是一个连环问题:燃烧石油导致二氧化碳增加,二氧化碳增加导致温室效应,温室效应导致冰层融化、海平面上升。”