Articles on the international carbon emissions trading market mechanisms, transaction type, and volume and price analysis made, also on the domestic carbon emissions trading status analyzed.
Scoffers may think the trading of carbon emissions cannot be taken seriously as a proper commodity market.
Under the proposals, airlines would leave the EU emissions trading scheme, which they are due to join in 2012, and would buy carbon dioxide permits in a global market.
For the moment the main compulsory market, Europe's emissions-trading scheme, does not accept forest-carbon credits.
The European Union argues that one credit must equal one tonne of carbon dioxide for its Emissions Trading Scheme, the largest emissions market, to be effective.
After all, the European Union already has a similar emissions-trading market, and a carbon tax is now wending its way through the Australian legislature.
After all, the European Union already has a similar emissions-trading market, and a carbon tax is now wending its way through the Australian legislature.