We'll talk about cash flow statements next week and the fact that a balance sheet has to balance can be very helpful in analyzing and projecting out the cash flow of a business.
The bottom line of a company is determined by constant positive cash flow created by successfully carrying out client engagements.
The article pointed out that, in recent years, the cash flow of Huiyuan has been decreasing sharply, while the costs growing increasingly.
They rented rather than bought their homes or took out triple mortgages to get cash flow for their start-ups.
MLPs, which are mainly in the oil and gas sector, trade like stocks and by law pay out most or all of their cash flow in distributions.
Does cash flow out of your wallet like water from a proverbial faucet?
You get used to calculating or finding out the cash flow ratio of an entity in the cash flow aspect.
When we sit in business meetings, we stay and talk until we figure out how to increase cash flow, or reduce corporate duplication, or rethink our hurdle rates.
The fixed costs induce firms to raise external funds infrequently and to use cash holdings as a buffer; therefore firms will save cash out of their cash flow in a systematic way.
He'll only be 55 when he gets out, and he will have a passive cash flow of over $300,000 a year, more than he makes from his salary.
The problem is that asset prices are out of line with their ability to generate cash flow.
The rich free cash flow that Vodafone generates may not last if prices keep falling and the company has to turn on the capital-spending tap or buy Vodafone out of difficulty.
'My cash flow would've been out of the window and I wouldn't have been able to survive.
News of a commission, bonus, advance, or other chunk of cash may come your way July 7, plus or minus one week. You may have to write a check too, but it appears more money will flow in than goes out.
The western literatures believe that the operating income and net cash flow will be improved after management buy-out.
Secondly, this paper analyzes the operational characteristics of shipping industry, and finds out quantitative risks that affect shipping industry's cash flow cycle.
This is usually done by using the company's assets as security for the loans taken out by the acquiring party and repaying the loans from the company's cash flow.
As pointed out below, the danger of non-fulfillment of their implicit claims rises with the cash flow and earnings volatility of the firm.
Issuing large amounts of debt to buy back stock sets up organizational incentives to motivate managers to pay out free cash flow.
It makes use of system dynamics method to forecast: the balance sheet, the profit and loss statement, Cash flow statement, and calculates out the part proportion index consonant with reality.
It is essential to carry out the dynamic estimation for the major influenced factors of item's cash flow that include the depreciation of fixed asset, business income, cash-pay cost, etc.
影响项目现金流量的主要因素有固定资产折旧、营业收入及付现成本等 ,这些因素必须进行动态估计。贴现率需要在定性选择及分段量化方面作出定夺。
Such free cash flow must be paid out to shareholders if the firm is to be efficient and to maximize value for shareholders.
How is free cash flow related to dividends paid out?
Most often, the target company's assets serve as security for the loans taken out by the acquiring firm, which repays the loans out of cash flow of the acquired company.
Entrepreneurs can either take whatever terms investors are willing to offer, or they can figure out how to get cash-flow positive by themselves.
With such large orders, it would hurt our cash-flow if we paid out so much before sales started coming in.
With such large orders, it would hurt our cash-flow if we paid out so much before sales started coming in.