It's helpful 'cause I can see also I need to learn to think like you. you know, in how you approach the character.
I don't see how we can verify the extent to which influence did cause the decision to be made without seeing those test scores and grade points.
It won't be that — We can see why that personality emerges through karmic cause and effect in any way that are a function of what I was like in my life.
Nicole: Well, I can see how it could cause problems in the office.
I can see that, but it may cause trouble.
Can I see the symptom, go into the cause, and let the cause flower?
Never willing to let you see my sorrow, but hopefully can cause you attention, please don't ignore me, because I ignore me, fear and grief.
I don't see how I can help being the cause of much misery to you all your life.
Well, I can see what he is saying, cause I don't talk to my family too! !
But I can see no reason why the simple statistical fact that there are going to be a great many more teenagers in the next few years should be cause for anything more than the usual alarm.
But I can see no reason why the simple statistical fact that there are going to be a great many more teenagers in the next few years should be cause for anything more than the usual alarm.