The experimental results of flue gas desulphurization with caustic lime and hydrated lime activated by water spraying in a desulphurization reactor are presented.
This new method had advantage over the caustic soda lime one, despite its higher sodium hydroxide consumption.
One 'very strong mixture' used in the book is the Veninum Lupinum, which consists of a mix of aconite, taxus baccata, caustic lime , arsenic, bitter almonds and powdered glass mixed with honey.
The effect is also studied of the mixing ways of pulverized coal ash with caustic lime on the so 2 removal rate and the calcium utilization of the calcium based sorbent.
Also studied was the effect of the mixing mode of pulverized coal ash with the caustic lime on the so 2 removal rate and the calcium utilization rate of the calcium based sorbent.
The effect is also studied of the mixing ways of fly ash with caustic lime on the SO_2 removal rate and the calcium utilization of the calcium-based sorbent.
The effect is also studied of the mixing ways of fly ash with caustic lime on the SO_2 removal rate and the calcium utilization of the calcium-based sorbent.