Passing: stop indicates that all iteration should cease.
He emphasized the urgent need to immediately stop military action, cease all hostilities against the Libyan civilian population and end the assaults on cities and towns.
You are forcing the dark Ones to withdraw and cease their pointless efforts to stop progress.
Earth is losing so much rainforest so quickly that there is no way to stop the loss of oxygen that this creates fast enough to prevent a cease ascension ahead.
That kind of corrosion can destroy your bike frame, cease up your steering, or stop your gear and chain.
Cease the other exercises and use breath awareness to stop your mind wandering.
The EU's biggest fear is that markets will cease financing Italy, causing a meltdown that Europe would be powerless to stop.
"It's not simply 'stop shooting,'" he added, explaining that overall the larger goal remains clearing the way for a transition stage to new leadership in Syria after a cease-fire holds.
Each supporting rod on the jack can cease climb at preset elevation and the slip-form supported by the jack adjusts to be horizontal if the limit stop on each supporting rod is at the same elevation.
Each supporting rod on the jack can cease climb at preset elevation and the slip-form supported by the jack adjusts to be horizontal if the limit stop on each supporting rod is at the same elevation.