Cellulosic ethanol would address many of these problems.
There is a brighter prospect still out there: cellulosic ethanol.
One goal of synthetic biology is to make what is known as cellulosic ethanol.
For one thing, even if cellulosic ethanol can be made viable, that feat remains years away.
So if cellulosic ethanol is to live up to its promise, researchers will have to find cheaper and more efficient enzymes.
Some renewable energy ideas are complicated - it'd take a PhD to explain the biochemical ins and outs of cellulosic ethanol.
Its predecessor, RFS-1, called for 379m litres of cellulosic ethanol to be produced in 2010; RFS-2 mandates only 25m litres.
它的前身rfs - 1要求2010年前实现生产3.79亿升纤维素乙醇,而RFS - 2要求的只有0.25亿升。
Researchers say that identifying those genes could lead to a significant breakthrough for cellulosic ethanol production.
The plant is a high-yielding biomass crop that's being studied as a possible biomass source for the production of cellulosic ethanol.
By using a variety of regional feedstocks for refining cellulosic ethanol, the fuel can be produced in nearly every region of the country.
Finding new microbial enzymes to break down tough cellulose is a major obstacle to producing cellulosic ethanol from plants such as soybeans.
Plants could be specially bred with strong cellulose, for use in briquettes and wood substitutes, or with weak cellulose better suited for cellulosic ethanol production.
Another country keen on cellulosic ethanol is Sweden, which is relying heavily upon wood-based solid and liquid biofuels as part of its plan to wean itself off oil by 2020.
Though it requires a more complex refining process, cellulosic ethanol requires less fossil fuels for production and results in lower greenhouse emissions than traditional corn-based ethanol.
Cellulosic biomass can also be converted to any type of fuel-ethanol, ordinary gasoline, diesel, even jet fuel.
In practice the problem is that producing such "cellulosic" ethanol is much more difficult and expensive than producing it from other crops.
The second generation of biofuels converts biomass or cellulosic material from grass, corn cobs and stover, trees or waste into ethanol.
Since 2007 one company, Range Fuels, has received more than $150m in federal grants and guarantees for a large cellulosic-ethanol plant, but has yet to produce any.
自2007年到现在,山脉燃料(Range Fuels)这家公司已经得到超过一亿五千万美元的联邦补助和保障来设立一家大型的木质乙醇工厂,但迄今未能有丁点产出。
The technology for producing this "cellulosic" ethanol is still quite expensive, but many believe that it will displace corn ethanol as the technology advances.
The conversion of cellulosic biomass into bio-energy, such as ethanol and hydrogen, will decrease the requairment of fossil energy and improve the environment.
Cellulosic feedstocks mainly include straws, forest wastes and saw dust. Straw is the largest source of non-grain feedstock for producing fuel ethanol in China by output.
Producing ethanol by breaking down cellulosic materials, such as switch-grass or fast-growing trees like hybrid poplars, with enzymes is promising.
Producing ethanol by breaking down cellulosic materials, such as switch-grass or fast-growing trees like hybrid poplars, with enzymes is promising.