The Citizens' Forum supported special powers for Quebec but also argued for the retention of a strong central government.
The central government devolved most tax-raising powers to the regional authorities.
The decision by Bernanke last year to invoke the Fed's emergency powers and put mortgages and other assets on the central bank's balance sheet "is pure Tobin," Krugman said.
The world's central bankers understand, even if the congressman doesn't, that the Fed didn't use the powers that it had to head off the bubble and bust of 2000 or 2007.
But for China, it is central to the claim that it operates differently in Africa from other great powers and in a way that avoids exploitation.
We Human 2.0's have, among many powers, three that are central to who we take ourselves to be today: writing, speech, and music (the latter perhaps being the pinnacle of the arts).
With the reputation of market discipline in tatters, central bankers will get vast new supervisory powers.
It has formed a club of central Asian powers to deal with security threats.
The central bank will also get powers to guard the stability of the financial system.
All three big external powers in Central asia-america, China and russia-have a big interest in the region's stability.
What was Central powers and Allied powers in WWI?
In 2010, five Central Asian countries separately attempted to seek for closer ties with big powers, particularly closer ties with western countries to balance Russian influence on the Central Asia.
In part, also, it is because the powers of central Banks are vast, especially since they have discovered the ability to create money via quantitative easing (QE).
Such system not only existed the contradiction between China and the great powers but also existed the contradiction between local government and central regime.
The nations allied against the Central Powers of Europe during World War I. They were Russia, France, Great Britain, and later many others, including the United States.
The Central Sun powers the whole Universe and its energies are creating changes in all kinds of matter, so that Ascension is achieved according to the Creator's Plan.
Japan joins the Allied forces: Ottoman Empire soon joins the Central Powers.
The funds shall be incorporated respectively into the central and local financial budgets according to the principle of division of powers.
After a supreme effort in the spring of 1918, the Central Powers collapsed.
Central Asia has become the objective of some big powers because of its advantageous geographical position, rich energy and other strategic resources.
Central Asia has become the objective of some big powers because of its advantageous geographical position and rich strategic energy resource.
During the first world war the Balkans was divided into two camps: Serbia was fighting on the side of the triple entente against Bulgaria and Turkey which were in coalition with the central powers.
Generally speaking, in order to strengthen the imperial power, monarchs gave eunuchs great powers, such as leading the Central Army, supervising the local armies and so on.
Generally speaking, in order to strengthen the imperial power, monarchs gave eunuchs great powers, such as leading the Central Army, supervising the local armies and so on.