He'll report directly to CEO Steve Ballmer.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said that the Windows giant would cut prices to drive sales.
The deal was originally announced in 2013 when Microsoft was led by then-CEO Steve Ballmer.
In the wake of handing out 3,000 layoff notices Tuesday, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer sent an E-mail to staff.
Those folks won't give up their Macs until Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer pries them from their cold, dead fingers.
In May, Gates and CEO Steve Ballmer gave the first Windows 7 demonstration, showing off multi-touch screen technology.
To be fair, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer managed to unveil an answer to the iPad three weeks before Jobs did his unveiling.
CEO Steve Ballmer was unable to steer the company to a position of growth, leaving Microsoft selling PC software in a post-PC world.
And in an interview in the Wall Street Journal Monday, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer says that Android sales will generate licensing fees for Microsoft.
在周一华尔街日报的一次采访中,微软CEO Steve Ballmer提到,Android的销售将为产生微软授权费用。
Bartz and Yahoo Chairman Roy Bostock have had conversations with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer about the possibility of selling Yahoo's search business.
Bartz和雅虎董事长RoyBostock此前曾和微软CEO Steve Ballmer就出售雅虎搜索业务的可能性做出讨论。
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears in a game called Egg Attack, launched by a Swiss multimedia company Cultimedia as an "egghead" target (see photo).
Dell has debuted a tablet concept with a 5 "display, while Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer showcased the HP Slate, which resembles Amazon Kindle DX in size."
During his visit to India last year, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer had announced that cloud computing would generate 300,000 jobs in India over the next five years.
在微软首席执行官Steve Ballmer去年访问印度期间,他公布,未来五年,云计算将在印度产生30万份工作。
"The ways in which people want to interact with each other inside corporations is changing," said Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, speaking at the company \ 's MIX08 conference in Las Vegas on March 6.
“公司内人们相互沟通的方式正在发生变化,”微软公司首席执行官鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)在3月6日拉斯维加斯mix08会议上指出。
He hired Steve Ballmer in 1980 and gave him the CEO job 20 years later.
Microsoft is a good example here: Bill Gates departed apparently seamlessly from day-to-day involvement at Microsoft in 2008, seven years after relinquishing the CEO job to Steve Ballmer.
After mentioning Ozzie's contribution on introducing the cloud, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO, announced the company about Ozzie's intention to step down as CSA in an internal memo made public.
Many Microsoft shareholders, employees, partners and customers would like Steve Ballmer to resign (or be ousted) as CEO.
Many Microsoft shareholders, employees, partners and customers would like Steve Ballmer to resign (or be ousted) as CEO.