When invoking unknown code (which listeners certainly qualify as), it is prudent to execute it in a try-catch block so that ill-behaved listeners do not do more damage than necessary.
在调用未知代码(侦听器就是这样的代码)时,谨慎的方式是在try - catch块中执行它,这样,行为有误的侦听器不会造成更多不必要的破坏。
Its way more M2M than is necessary, but it certainly does the job of giving the best of them.
它的道路上获得更大的m2 m比是必要的,但它的确给了他们最好的工作。
Its way more M2M than is necessary, but it certainly does the job of giving the best of them.
它的道路上获得更大的m2 m比是必要的,但它的确给了他们最好的工作。