As well as steering, he would have to take account of the platoon's impact on other traffic when changing lanes or turning.
Look ahead to where you will be in the next 12 to 15 seconds for dangerous situations or obstacles that you can avoid by changing lanes.
My own feeling is that it has more to do with lane changes, particularly at junctions when there are large Numbers of vehicles changing lanes.
Based on analysis in effect factors on vehicle turning or changing lanes abruptly, this dissertation focus on application of state estimation theory on vehicle steering attitude.
When drivers do not pay attention to surrounding traffic, they are not prepared when another driver does something wrong, like changing lanes without signalling or giving wrong signals.
Cars fitted with sensors and cameras collect data on the driving styles of test participants, including their acceleration and braking patterns, assertiveness in changing lanes, and so on.
Cars fitted with sensors and cameras collect data on the driving styles of test participants, including their acceleration and braking patterns, assertiveness in changing lanes, and so on.