In July a YouTube channel of the same name launched (it currently has 1621 subscribers and 269, 246 upload views), and in August a similarly-named Twitter account, @uriminzok, was launched.
If the two sides of the channel are on identical platforms, and the exit has the same name and is located in the same place, then everything works and no CHAD exit is required.
If you choose to create a bunch of channel partner contact pages on your site, don't use the same page for all channel partners by merely swapping the name of the next distributor or dealer.
There is also a magazine of the same name published by Channel 4, and an annual exhibition, "Grand Designs Live", both derived from the success of the TV series.
There is also a magazine of the same name published by Channel 4, and an annual exhibition, "Grand Designs Live", both derived from the success of the TV series.