Characteristics of the Product: green, natural, unpolluted and rich zinc - selenium.
As the service characteristics of the product itself, service failure is inevitable and widespread.
Please introduce the characteristics of the product in detail, especially the industry leading advantages.
Describes the characteristics of the product, service, or result that the project was undertaken to create.
Here are some options that can shorten the schedule by changing the characteristics of the product you're building.
The effect of technological conditions and pH on flocculating settling characteristics of the product was studied.
The number of documents needed depends on the size and complexity of the operation and the characteristics of the product.
The magnitude of the thermal process is also related to the heating and cooling characteristics of the product in the container.
Twin agitator mixers are applicable where, due to mixing characteristics of the product, increased blending and shear action is required.
An Instant drink made from Fructus Sophorae Japonicae was developed. The rutin content and physical characteristics of the product were studied.
In packaging also on the characteristics of the product, will fit the shape of the packaging, snowman clothes to be installed inside the drawer Lane.
This paper states the significance of the development, the performance characteristics of the product configuration and technical points of solar traffic lights.
Prophet do advertising design and production for cummins propaganda, which captures the company's concept and characteristics of the product, but also very creative.
The technological process, prescription and characteristics of the product as well as heat stability test results of its plastics products are presented in the article.
The quality indexes of the product quality standard were detected, and meanwhile, the physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of the product were discussed.
The structural design of corrugated box in accordance with the following steps: In accordance with the characteristics of the product itself selected the appropriate type of box;
What kind of new products will you present on China Kids Expo this year? Please introduce the characteristics of the product in detail, especially the industry leading advantages.
At the same time, engaged in a variety of characteristics of the product design and development, production, based on customer demand, manufacturing their own products and accessories.
According to the characteristics of the product manufactured by HYDAC company (West Germany), we advise consumers how to select and use the accumulator more economically and reasonably.
In the production of meat products, the latest protein-carbohydrate preparation is used that can improve physical and chemical characteristics of the product without using sodium nitrite.
Furthermore, the autolysis of the starter can destruct the fermenting agent and the release of the cytoplasmic contents might alter the rheological and organoleptic characteristics of the product.
Earlier versions of the product have different defaults and characteristics in some cases.
Before you look at lenses, it's important to understand the basic characteristics of lenses and be aware of why exactly your kit lens is an inferior product.
The satisfaction of this requirement ensures that the product will be resilient to changes in the sensor and windshield characteristics.
The product domain primarily focuses on the product entity and the characteristics of the specific product (like attributes, rules, terms and conditions, pricing, risk, and so on).
Whereas "Functional" requirements specify the features of the product, "Non-Functional" requirements specify system characteristics such as.
Creating a Configuration Manager and Broker on a different platform from the toolkit requires manual intervention and additional knowledge of product characteristics and commands.
In web interfaces, static images in header bars are quite common, resulting from the "hybrid" characteristics of those applications between a software product and a web site.
In web interfaces, static images in header bars are quite common, resulting from the "hybrid" characteristics of those applications between a software product and a web site.